This wed. brings us back to our monthly drawing session at Gallery 5 (200 W, Marshall St) from 6-9pm. Our model this month, Bailey, is bringing to life the "Fan Dancer". In addition to our super fine costumed model, we additionally are pleased to announce our new partnership with the cool undeground art book company - Baby Tattoo ( . This month when you participate in Headmistress's Sue's crazy contest you'll walk away with one of these amazing books. As always, our dapper bartenders will be happy to sell you booze and we look forward to having you at our session. Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.
Also in RVA, join me for the Six Weeks in the Sugar Shack class recital on April 6th at the Firehouse Theatre (1609) Broad St) at 7pm. Believe me with these ladies, you'll want to say - I remembered her when....
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